Friday, May 6, 2011

One Month Old! already

Today Liam is one month old. Can you believe that the time has passed this quickly already?!? 
Cause I sure can't. 
Yesterday we went to the Health Nurse and he got weighed and the best news ever is that he has put on a whopping 240gms in the last week. Which may not sound like much but in Liam's case that is excellent. So his total weight is now 2360gms or in the old measurement 5 pounds 3 ounces. So since his birth he has put on a whole pound. I was very excited and walked out one very happy Mama.

Anyway some more photos of him taken today.

Oh yeah I also just want to share some joy I had today about myself. I managed to get back into my jeans! Yea! The last time I was able to wear them I was about 10 weeks pregnant. I grew out of my pants and jeans very fast. 

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