Friday, October 28, 2011

We saw the Queen... fleetingly!

CHOGM is being held in Perth and its been pretty huge. The obvious highlight (well for me anyway) is having the Queen here in Perth. So today we caught the train into the city to stand on the street and catch a glimpse of her as she drove past on her way back to Government House from the meeting at the convention centre. We being Mum, Granny, Emma, Brock, me and Liam. 
We arrived in Perth fairly early at about 9:30 we got our place on St George's Terrace. We had only been there for a few minutes and because we thought we would have a while to wait, I decide to go to the toilet. Well that was the silliest thing ever as I missed the queen travelling to the convention centre. Good one me! 
Anyway we waited around for her second drive through the city. When she finally drove past it went by so quick I think I glanced at her for about 5 seconds. They weren't driving very slow at all well not slow enough to be able to take a decent photo. 

So these are the photos from today:

Liam waiting patiently.

Me and Liam

Here she comes!!!!

There she is! 
Don't blink you'll miss her.

and there she goes.

Liam not sure what just happened
but atleast he can say he was there for the last time the Queen came to Australia.

Stay tuned for tomorrow as Mum, Emma and I are working the BBQ I'll have more photos hopefully.

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