Friday, September 16, 2011

Liam- 5 Months Old

Liam is now 5 months old. I haven't had a chance to take any good photos lately. So the photos I have attached to this post are off the iPhone so bare with it.

Liam now weighs 5.4kgs which is 12 pounds. He is still a shorty at 58cms. His development is doing really well. He rolled from his tummy onto his back but hasn't quite worked out how to go the other way yet. But its funny watching him try. He still isn't sitting up on his own but he loves to be pulled up onto his feet and stand. All. The. Time. Which can be annoying when you just want him to sit on your lap and relax.
He is ridiculously ticklish! Emma gets him going the most to the point where he is uncontrollably laughing. It is so funny watching him squirm.

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