Saturday, November 19, 2011

Liam Met Santa

Today Liam met Santa. I have been hanging out for Santa to hit the shops so that I could take Liam to see him. I was a bit apprehensive as I wasn't sure how he would go with a big man and all this fluff and stuff around him but he surprised me. He sat on his knee no problem he smiled and laughed and didn't really mind. I must admit the Santa was very nice too so maybe that helped. 

So here is the photo that made me proud of my little boy for not being scared of Santa. 

It may be a whole different story next year.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Liam 7 Months Old

I will show off Liam at 7 months old with photos. Just cause he is so damn cute and interesting at the moment that words can't really describe.
I will tell you that he now weighs 6.4kgs not sure of his height but I really don't think its changed that much. He only has two teeth the bottom middle. He talks alot more but not actual words just Liam noises I guess he is learning what he can do. He went through a week of growling and then he gurgled for another week. He is sooo ticklish I have never known a baby to be so ticklish. Its so funny when he starts laughing and giggling.

Now onto the photos:
All Photos taken at South Beach. Liam loved the Seagulls. Whenever they got close he would get so excited and then just watch them walk away as in the first photos.

Happy Birthday To Me

Today is my birthday so it falling on a Monday we celebrated on the weekend. We had dinner at Mum and Dad's on Saturday night. Check out Liam getting excited about the cake. Tell me? Is it built in to all kids at how awesome cake is. Liam is 7 months old and he has never eaten cake but yet he gets so excited over it like this and wants it. He does the same with coke too. So strange and a little worrisome.

We celebrated in our usual style, lunch at the Pickled Fig. I really should be getting some credit from these guys about me selling their restaurant on my blog. I mean its only been like the millionth time this year that we have been there. Anyway... so we had a nice lunch and took some photos of course which I will put in a separate post. I got some cool presents too. Rocky got me something that I asked for but just didn't think I would actually even get. Its a Blythe doll. I will show you a photo. I really liked this one I saw once on a website so I asked but cause you can't get them in Australia it made it a little hard to find someone that sold it and then ship to Australia. But he did and I now have my very own Blythe doll called Raspberry Sorbet (thats her name that the people who make gave her not a name that I made up myself.) Photo isn't the best taken on the iPhone. Her eyes change colour too when you pull on the pull string. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Melbourne Cup Day

Liam's first Melbourne Cup. 
We had lunch at Hazel's place with about 20 other women. 
As with all Melbourne Cups you have to dress up (its a bit of a pre-requisite when it comes to Racing) so I made Liam's little onesie vest. I'd seen them on the internet alot and thought hey I could make that. So I did, I'm getting pretty good at that. Oh and he actually had on real shoes today little sandals that are so cute.
I couldn't decide on the best photo so I've put them all in.